quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2016


Today when I woke up the sky was dark and I thought about you
The sadness was my mate and everything seemed to forget
The whole night thinking how to do and what to do
Tears were running and I just wanted to understand why?

But life anyone explain or try to understand
Why was I only talk to you to understand
My life is full of sense when you hear
And all I think to do is just try to stay with you

Her voice and her beauty fills my heart and makes me tremble
My voice is shaky and makes me increasingly want you
And all thought or thought I can not remember and you make me forget
And your eyes do I remember that my desire is to be near you

When I hear I remember that I love you and hear your voice is enough for me to be happy
I remember when I watched the stars are you always asked
Because when you hear my heart flutters and beats with love
And all that was on my back in black and white begins to have color.


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