sábado, 8 de abril de 2017

One more night without you

Tonight and now it's 00:32 a.m. and I'm thinking of you.
Reading your poem repeatedly I close my eyes I see you
My heart asks me why you're not here near me
And with your eyes closed I want you here

I hear a song to try to forget you
But the music speaks of love and you come into my mind without me realizing
And with the music playing I fall asleep
And in my dreams you're holding me and telling me it's just the beginning

I feel my lips wet with your kisses
I feel your hugs feel your body and your desires
We stand together and your blue eyes shine and my heart beats fast
It's so real that the only thing I do is tell you that I love you and kiss you often

But when the music ends and from this dream I wake up I do not see you
My heart keeps striking everywhere looking for you
Your written poem and your words are open on my computer and I come back to read
But living away from you makes my heart go away, my tears fall and I'm always suffering.


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