quinta-feira, 25 de maio de 2017


If I am the sun you are what feeds me so I shine
If I'm the moon you're my star
If I am the sea you are the rain that falls to feed me
If I am the earth you are the seed that is born to care for

If I am the ice you are the heat that comes to warm me
If I am feeling you are what makes me feel what is to love
If I am the tears you are a handkerchief
If I am wind you are the tree that when step opens its leaves to hold me

If I am thoughts you are the moments that make me remember
If I am the song you are the instrument that emits the melody you would like to play
If I dream, you are the reality that makes the dream come realize
If I am the fear you are the courage that guides me forward so I walk

If I'm who I am I'm only for one day kiss you
If I am the life or I am the death I am nothing if at its side not are
If someday I'll be something I still will not know because I'll only find out when I find you
Why when my lips touch your lips will be the day that my life will begin.


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