domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017

I do not leave you

Sometimes I do not know what I can to do
I wanted to run until your arms and asleep with you
I wanted to feel your calm and your silence and dead with your kiss
I wanted to felt the heat of your body and love you and kill your wishes

I am distant not is what to do me suffer
What to do I suffer is the time pass very fast and I know that is you that want to love
What to do I suffer I know that I found you and my dreams I can realize
In addition, for more difficulty all it can to be, I never will leave you

When I sleep, I do not want wake up
When I wake up, I want to back asleep for dream with you
My heart bits very strong when bit he yell your name
My mind tries all time ways of bringing you to me

Sorry for love you very much and sometimes do nothing
Because when I do, you will never leave me
I do not want just your heart I want your trust and your love

I want to touch you and know that I will never lose you because with you that I want to live and die.


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