quinta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2016


I have so much to tell you that I would not know where to start
I have so much love kept waiting to give you
Sometimes thinking, I think a life is too little to give you
All the love I've had to love you

I'm tired of hiding and keeping this love.
And just writing and talking is not enough, my love.
Look at me, read what I write and you will see that my whole life has come to look for you
I need to give you this love that's kept for this pain to end.

I do not want to hide anymore because I love you.
I do not want to live far from you.
I want to wake up from your side and say that I love you and with you I want to live forever
I want you to take care of me and love me because I love to love you

I do not like you I love you and I can not change anymore
And it consumes me because I love to love you
I love to feel what I feel for you and see your photos away makes me suffer
Always think I love you and I do not want to live far from you anymore.


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