sábado, 14 de janeiro de 2017


Today I spent the day thinking about how we are connected
'Cause what I feel is like we're holding each other.
I feel you how I feel my heart and I think and you
It's as close to me as I already knew you.

Has feelings impossible to explain
But everything I see and hear makes you remember
Today my face fell a few tears
And I do not know why I was thinking about you.

You thrills me and brings me sorrows without me understanding
And I can not think why think brings me to you.
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to meet you and hold you
How would it feel to be with you for a minute and kiss you?

I do not know what I do anymore if I think about you all the time
And you are inside my heart and in my thoughts
I need your love to survive.
Because without your love I'd rather die.


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