sábado, 25 de março de 2017


You know that what I feel for you I've never felt for anyone.
And sometimes I stay like now 00: 38h thinking what this is that I feel
My decisions are made as if everything could happen
And I'm still looking for a way out to love you and not lose you.

I do not know what would happen if I had not you in my life.
Maybe I was already lost hope and a part of my life
After I saw your eyes it was as if everything was back to the way I imagined
A dream that was kept inside of me hoping that I would find you

The nights and days are passing and you're still in here.
And every day and every night I love you and feel like a great feeling
You're not just someone I've met in my life.
You're a dream that's inside me and it's impossible to forget.

The sky has the color of your eyes that shines like the sun at dawn
And no matter the distance I can not even for a second forget you
Not only for your beauty but something I feel I can not understand
Because you are my dream and a dream is impossible to forget.


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