quinta-feira, 16 de março de 2017


You are the sweet that I want to taste and that I am always dreaming
That candy that when I wake my lips feel to touch
Your eyes so sweet that my heart insists on wishing
Like that sweet cake and its candy that I would like to delight in

You are a beautiful sweet to look at and my eyes do not tire of observing
The color of the blue candy that would give my life to near being
Your skin tastes like the sweetest candy you'd like to taste.
And your kisses is the sweetest dessert you would like to try.

You are the sweet that only the chosen people could appreciate
Why are you a rare candy that no one could decipher
Your body sweeter as the water I drink for my thirst quench
With a gentle touch of hands like a sweet touch on my body

You are my sweet that I wish every day at my table to find
That candy that invades my mind and my wet lips to wish
You are my sweet vice that I do not know how to explain
You're sweet that when I see my heart starts to accelerate.


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