sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2017


While my eyes try to see you
My heart in tears cries for you
He tries in every way to feel your heat
And this distance makes them feel a lot of pain

My heart bleeds to know that it can not feel you
And ask the whole time for you to come
I try to explain that we need time
The more he screams and suffers as if he does not have more time

He knocks hard when I talk to you.
And it looks like it's going to explode when I see you.
He stops when he thinks he can lose you
And he is often calm when you write that you love him even without understanding

My heart is not yours because I came to love you.
He's yours since I was born and I started looking for you.
And I do not know if I'm lost and if I started to find myself
Because my heart loves you and for you he screams every day wanting to love you.


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