domingo, 5 de março de 2017


Who are you that makes me smile and make me live?
That makes my heart beat hard without my understanding
What are you capable of making me sigh
And wish all the days of my life at your side to be

Who are you that invades my dreams every night when I fall asleep?
That makes my life not be the end, but the beginning
Who are you that when I see my eyes want to stay for hours watching you
And what makes me want even oceans to cross forever from your side to be

Who are you who are in my thoughts all the time
I listen to a song or watch a movie imagining you at all times
Who are you in the air that I breathe and in the sky that I admire
That is inside my chest even when I sigh

Who are you my love, my pain, my joy and sometimes my tears
You are my daily breath to my wealth and my gifts
Who are you who feeds my hope and makes me very happy every day
You are my wish and my request that one day stop God on my knees I asked.


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