quarta-feira, 1 de março de 2017

I'll never leave you

Today was not a good day and I wanted to have you near me.
I wanted to lay your hugs and fall asleep to forget
Feel the warmth of your body and kiss your lips
I feel you close to me and feel your hugs

I do not know what God wants from me or what I have to prove
I do not know what I do, but I need to find you.
With each passing day I love you more and more
This feeling does not diminish and grow every day more and more

At night I fall asleep thinking about you
And my heart begs, begs to see you
And today, when I was driving I thought what to do
I thought for hours and hours how in my arms you have

When I dreamed of you, I did not know that day would come.
There came a time when I imagined that this would never happen
And now I'm here writing and dreaming of you again
And I do not want to lose you, I want you forever.


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