domingo, 16 de outubro de 2016


Today, the day does not dawn and darkness remains
Today is those that you believe will happen, but nothing happens
Today is just another day that goes by and did nothing
Today is those days that you remember, but it is not a happy day

Today is a day passes but for me it is just at ease
Today is a day that the light was behind and the truth is not
Today is those days that you wish did not exist ever
Today is a day and a night between space and moon shining no more

Today may be a day that came together without having beside me you
Today is those days that does not distinguish the sun and dawn
Today is the sun or not come easy to not see me cry
Today are the tears that without you insist on roll

Today, tomorrow no matter my sun is you
Today will be day if your look shine next to me and let me take you
Today there is no tomorrow and who know say
Today was the day that there was for me to remember that there is only day when I'm with you


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