sábado, 15 de outubro de 2016


One day I met someone and fell in love
I created hopes, but suddenly I was wrong
With a blow of seeing everything was disappearing
And with it my dream dying

Today I have not the heart
He was taken without taking into account my dreams
I can not imagine they are taking good care of it as soon as I
But I am suffering to miss him because without him my love is gone

I took my dreams and my only hope
To believe that a love are not just memories
Are reality we desire to live every day
More my heart was taken and my dreams die every day

Difficult is to look at everything because everything reminds me of the love we both dreamed
The love that took my heart and my dreams always sought
For stay away may even be supported, but dreamless'm torn
Why without your love and my heart is to live loving without being loved.


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