sábado, 29 de outubro de 2016


Today was day and I thought about going to see the sea
When I arrived the sea was cold, but I insisted on entering
To see froze my heart and my thoughts
To see if you forgot to at least one time

My heart even looking for you saying that will not be
And my head insists you think
I try everything I swear, but I can not forget you
I wanted to go to the star further from the earth, but to the brightness of it reminds me of you

I ask God for what I did to deserve to suffer so much
Does not deserve love always be happy
My tears fall and my heart does not know what to do
If it is to be without you he prefers to stop beating

I hear all the music you listen together to feel close to you
Why has moments that I suffer so much that I do not know what to do
It seems that the world left me behind and I alone am
And my life has no meaning and no direction because to my heart left me.


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NÃO DEIXO VOCÊ PARTIR As vezes não sei o que faço e também não sei o que fazer Queria correr até seus braços e nos seus braços adorm...