quarta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2017


I could not sleep thinking about you tonight
Your image did not leave my head and I really wanted to be with you.
I would close my eyes and imagine you as beautiful as snow
And my thoughts slid very slowly over her skin.

It felt like I could touch you and I felt you shiver
I felt the heat and tried to imagine his scent when breathing
And you lay there while watching you for hours
And my breathing with every thought and every look increased

While all this was happening my heart beat very hard
Because slipping and imagining you I felt your breath
And with my eyes closed I came to his lips and with my lips I touched
His eyes opened and I saw the most beautiful blues I ever imagined

Your eyes closed and I kissed you and at this moment my heart stopped.
I do not know if it was my thoughts or just a dream
I can not explain, but I just did not want to stop
Because you are the person that I want to always think, dream and love


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