sábado, 7 de janeiro de 2017


Today when I woke up the sky was blue I thought of you
Even as I looked I wanted to understand
Why, when I think of you, my heart beats hard.
And why do my thoughts travel to you?

Sometimes I think it's all over
But my heart calls you and wants to love you.
Even when I write nothing, my thoughts are yours.
And if he had now only one wish it would be to stand beside his

As a trip to space I do not know where the end and the beginning
Cause I spend all my time thinking how I want you.
A love and a feeling that has no explanation
That goes beyond my senses and my imagination

I stand staring out the window and I imagine all the time
What would it be like to hold you tight and kiss you
Be close to you and tell you that forever together we will stay
And that our love has gone beyond time and distance to meet.


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