domingo, 15 de janeiro de 2017


Would you like someone to define me what love is?
In an attempt to define I found pain
Pain to be far away and sometimes sad for not being able to find
And sometimes for having a few minutes to tell you that I love you

I found in the definition light smiles like bird flying
The surprise of seeing your face is beautiful and soft, which for me is something rare
In this search tried to define love
I found hours and hours of thoughts smiling alone

Some people thought I was crazy talking to my cell phone alone
But I was very happy that I could see you and just talk.
Every day was happy even though I felt very happy
Because it was what I always dreamed, imagined and always wanted

It is impossible to define love because there are many mixed feelings
Sensations impossible to describe are like two interconnected people
Something I feel when I'm far away and close to you
A feeling when I see you is impossible to describe.


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