sábado, 21 de janeiro de 2017


One more day without you in my arms
One more day wishing your hugs
One more day away from you
One more day trying to understand why I'm not with you

One more day listening to a song thinking of you
One more day feeling like in a movie I can not understand
One more day my heart suffers from trying to talk to you for minutes
One more day that for seconds and minutes we miss but I dream of you

One more day when the sky reminds you of the color of your eyes.
One more day I spend hours and hours looking at your photos
One more day that I only have the words to ease my suffering
One more day when you stay all the time in my thoughts

One more day and one more night and my time is yours
One more day that my heart desires to be near your
One more day that this love increases more and more for you
One more day that I love you and you can never forget.


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