sábado, 14 de janeiro de 2017


Today it's raining and I'm in the window watching it fall
Every drop that falls I think of you
The sky is not the color of your eyes, but I'm here
Listening to the songs you sent to me

I like it when it rains, then, it makes me think
Make me stay calm and think how much I need to love you
You make me very happy, even though I feel you inside.
The songs, the movies all remind me of you

I knew that one day I would meet you.
I've always looked for you and always dreamed of loving you.
You've always been in my dreams since the day I was born.
When I dreamed with a look it was yours that I always saw

Now I'm here and you away from me
Life brought you to meet you and say to me.
If it's your love why wait so long? "If you really love her, nothing wrong will do."
That's what rain drops insist on telling me.


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