sexta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2016


Sometimes I stop and think what it would be like if we had met before
I do not know if it would be like now, but it would be easier to be your boyfriend.
I look at your photos of 2012,2013 and I watch your lips and your eyes
I dive in the places and I watch for hours.

I always knew that what I always looked for was not here
It lacked a sparkle, a look a way of being that I never found here
And when I first saw you, I discovered
Everything I was looking for I found and would have close to me

I have often thought that the difficulties would be language
I thought it could be the money and even the trip
But over time I discovered that what separates us is what we acquired through that time
Although there is a love that met after that time

I'm not afraid of tomorrow anymore and of being alone
Because I love you and I do not know what tomorrow will look like but I want to be with you
Now there is no more distance that can not be traveled there is no more what I find
I have everything I've always wanted to find and if my story has an end, my end is to love you.


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