sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2016

I wanted to tell you

I wanted to explain what I feel for you to understand.
But even with 1000 poems I could not describe
You are my dream of life what I always wanted to be able to fully live
I asked you to look at stars and when I first saw you, I was able to understand

I like to listen to the songs that remind me of you.
I dive into the memory of your voice that brings you to me.
I do not know how you are, but without you I still suffer.
I try to hide my suffering, but if you read my poems you will understand

My poems decipher my tears that insist on running
And my thoughts fly across oceans to try to see you
My body seems to feel your body even being away from you
And with each breath is a sigh of love trying to understand everything

I wish I knew you that I love you and I can not explain
I wanted to tell you that to live I need to love you
I wanted you to read that you love me and want to stay with me
Because if I'm here it sure was to live simply to find you.

Anderson Silveira Lopes

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